The Associate Press released this short list of some of the things that set Mormons apart from other forms of Christianity. Two things about this list: you'd be hard pressed to find most of that information on the official Mormon (LDS) Web site; and it doesn't mention the stuff about Mormons supposedly believing that Jesus Christ and Lucifer (satan) are brothers.
Anyway, here's the list:
- Nature of God: God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.
- Jesus Christ: Christ was God's first-born spirit child, his only earthly child and the only perfect mortal.
- No Trinity: Mormons reject the idea of the Christian Trinity — God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one ethereal being. Instead, they believe the three are separate beings joined in a common purpose.
- Pre-existence and the afterlife: Before their mortal birth, humans existed in pre-mortality and were born in the spirit world to heavenly parents. Mormons also believe in the resurrection and teach that most people will receive some measure of salvation and have a place in a three-level eternal kingdom.
- One true church: Mormons say their faith is not Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox but holds a unique place as "restored New Testament Christianity." Founder Joseph Smith said God told him none of the existing churches were practicing Christianity as it was intended.
- A living prophet: Mormons believe the head of their church is a living prophet, seer and revelator who can communicate with God.
I've come across some other sources which reveal what Mormons truly believe... like, for example, that GOD was once a regular guy that earned the godhood through various trials.
Here's another Web site that supposedly explains what Mormons believe, among which is that the Book of Mormon is also from GOD, and that the book is just one of three from GOD. Mormons also apparently used a version of the Bible edited by founder Joseph Smith.
There's also this site, specifically about cults, which lists some of the fundamental differences between Mormonism and Christianity.
So what do I think about Mormonism? Well, they believe in Jesus and that he is GOD's son, and that he's the Saviour, and that the best way to live is to follow his examples. That's the basic beliefs of Christianity, so I can't fault them on that. I don't accept their contradictions of the Holy Bible, however, considering that it is GOD's final word. The idea that GOD gave books to others -- the Mormons and Muslims as well as their prophets/founders -- doesn't make much sense to. Why would god do such a divisive thing if he wants the same thing for all of us? And the stark differences, like about Jesus, satan and god's 'history' is just all bunk to me.
Mormonism seems just as fake and as a tool of the devil as Islam. Satan has no plan for your salvation; he wants you to remain condemned.
Should that be taken into account for Mitt Romney's candidacy for president? I don't think so. I can't imagine that any of our presidents have been real Christians. Bill Clinton sure as heck wasn't behaving like a Christian with all that adultery stuff going on. Christians don't get drunk, abuse drugs, and don't let their love of money decided how they conduct a country's affairs. That all sounds very anti-christ to me. So Mitt Romney's Mormon faith shouldn't be a consideration in his bid for the White House. If here a Muslim, however, I'd have to say no way, Jose.
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