Monday, January 14, 2008

Pope Calls for Continuous Prayer to Rid Priesthood of Pedophilia

Pope Benedict XVI has instructed Roman Catholics to pray “in perpetuity” to cleanse the Church of pedophile clergy. All dioceses, parishes, monasteries, convents and seminaries will be expected to organize continuous daily prayers to express penitence and to purify the clergy.

Vatican officials said that every parish or institution should designate a person or group each day to conduct continuous prayers for the Church to rid itself of the scandal of sexual abuse by clergy. Alternatively, churches in the same diocese could share the duty. Prayer would take place in one parish for 24 hours, then move to another.

Vatican watchers said that there was no known precedent for global prayer on a specific issue of this kind. There are about one billion Roman Catholics worldwide.

The instruction was sent to bishops by Cardinal Cláudio Hummes of Brazil, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy. He told L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, that he was acting in the Pope’s name. The Pope wanted Catholics to pray for the “mercy of God for the victims of the grave situations caused by the moral and sexual conduct of a very small part of the clergy”, he said.

Can anyone say a couple centuries too late? I'm not sure what kind of fantasy land Pope Benedict XVI is living in, but prayer and screening potential seminary applicants for 'deep-seeded homosexual tendencies' is not going to solve the problem (can they screen their brains for the truth?). Based on all of the cases dating back to GOD knows when, it's highly unlikely that 'a very small part of the clergy' is responsible.

Is the pope really serious about prayer being the answer to this sad state of what appears to be the systematic rape of children in the Catholic Church?

Here is a list from the Times Online:

Church crisis:

$660m The amount paid out by the Los Angeles Roman Catholic archdiocese to 500 victims of sexual abuse

$2bn The amount estimated to have been paid out across the US

4,392 The number of priests alleged to have abused children in the US in the past 50 years

The number of Americans who say that they were abused

100 The number of allegations of abuse made in Ireland between1962 and 2002

21 The number of priests involved

6 of the 21 Irish priests involved died before any allegations were made against them

3,000 The number of allegations of abuse received by the Australian group Broke Rites by 2002

John Jay Report (2004), Times archives.

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