Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Top 10 Most Embarrassing Ways to Die in the Holy Bible « El Santo//Rooktopia

Top 10 Most Embarrassing Ways to Die in the Holy Bible « El Santo//Rooktopia:

"The Bible chronicles some of the world’s most violent times. There were people getting mutilated, strangled, set on fire, defenestrated, and beheaded. But there were just some ways to die which were downright embarrassing. Getting killed by jawbone wielded by an Israelite superman named Samson … that ain’t so bad. Crushed by the engulfing waves of the Sea of Reeds? Kinda epic really. So which were the most embarrassing ways to die in the Bible?"

I came across this post a few weeks ago. It's pretty funny and it's actually correct as far as I can tell. If you're at all familiar with the Holy Bible, you know well enough that there are many, many passages that make you wonder why some things happened the way they did -- the slaughter of women and children every time a town was conquered by GOD's people, women treated as mere possessions, prophets told to marry harlots, being killed for accidentally touching the Ark of the Covenant while trying to keep it from goes on and on.

Anyway, here's my favorite...

7. - Mauled by bears for calling someone a “baldhead” (2 Kings 2:23-25). This is one of those examples that critics of Christianity love to point out. Elisha’s walking along, some “youths” (or teens as we would call them nowadays) call him a baldy, and God sends some bears to maul them. Why in the world would a just God do something as petty as that? Well, some context: 1.) This was the time of King Ahab and his descendants, and the prevailing religion was Baal worship. Anyone practicing Judaism, in fact, was considered the enemy of the state. Prophets, few that there were, had to hide out in the mountains. 2.) The Bible says there were at least 42 youths doing the taunting. There’s a good chance they were planning to do something a lot more to a known political fugitive. There’s another point: if I remember my Bible study correctly, the leader mentioned that the youths were mauled, not killed. If they were killed, the Bible would not hesitate to says so. I guess that might make this item exempt from this list … but I really can’t pass up on an “attacked by bears” bulletpoint, so there you go.

Read the rest at Rooktopia

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