OK, so this is the actual headline: Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests
...and the title of the coloring book for kids is "Being Friends, Being Safe, Being Catholic"
Yeah, this is a great idea, and it's pretty sad that the entire world knows that the corrupt Catholic church (in the U.S. anyway) has systematically been raping little boys (and some girls) for decades now. Many in positions of power have known about this for decades as well, but had chosen to do nothing about it. Since victims have been stepping up, thousands of these scumbags who have been lurking inside churches and stinking up the pulpits have been defrocked, very few have been imprisoned and most of them get to wake up everyday and breathe GOD's fresh air, bathe in his sunshine and eat the food he has put into the earth. Hopefully, you get exactly how I feel about these animals because if I have to continue I'm gonna end up saying stuff I'll regret later.

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